- How to install IQUALIF?
- How to use IQUALIF?
- How do I get a license?
- What does the speed mean?
- How do I activate a license?
- What does the * mean when used in search criteria?
- The download is stuck at 0% and does not seem to progress
- An error response from the server appears
- I cannot install IQUALIF on Windows
- I cannot install IQUALIF on a Mac
- I cannot install IQUALIF on Linux
- How do I uninstall IQUALIF?
- Are there any mobiles?
- Are there any emails?
- What is the difference between the trial version and the retail version?
- How often are the updates?
- Do the contacts accept commercial canvassing?
- Is online payment secure?
- On Windows, download and run the installer (EXE) located above the download section. On your desktop, double-click the icon to start the IQUALIF program.
- On a Mac, download and install the file (DMG) located above the download, open the IQUALIF drag it onto your desktop and drag the IQUALIF folder into the Applications folder. Open the Applications folder and double click IQUALIF then click œStart IQUALIF to start the program.
- On Linux, download and unzip the file (ZIP) located above or in the download section. Open the Downloads folder in IQUALIF and drag the IQUALIF folder into the Applications folder. Open the Applications folder and double click IQUALIF and then click œStart IQUALIF to start the program.
There are several ways to use the software, you can search by list, by browser or import a file.
Results can be also exported in spreadsheet format.
On the top right, click Search, and select "List" For White pages: select a department from the dropdown list followed by postal code, city and street, then click on the "Start" button For Yellow data pages versions: select a department from the dropdown list followed by postal code, town and an activity and then click the "Start" button
On the top right, click œSearch and select "Browse" Enter the service you want to find, then the region, the department or the city of your search and click the "Search" button Click on the "Start" button on the top left.
On the top right, click œSearch and then select "Semi-auto" Select the region and the department or city in the list on the left and the central list. Then enter the business you want to find on the right and click "Start"
On the top right, click œSearch and select "Manual" Enter a region or city or a department and activity in the fields provided for this search and click the "Start" button.
IE, for IQUALIF France White, the file must have the following content:
postcode, city, street
33000;Bordeaux,;Avenue Jean Jaurès
33000;Bordeaux;Julio Curie Boulevard
IE: for IQUALIF France Yellow, the file must have the following content:
zip, city, street
33000;Bordeaux;Real Estate Agency
Once the file loads, click the "Import List", select the file and click "Open." A popup will appear asking you to wait; once the import has finished this popup will close automatically. Click on the "Start" button and the file extraction will start.
Once the search is completed, click the export contacts button and select the location where the file will be saved.
Then open the file as an excel spreadsheet.
To obtain a license, type "BUY IQUALIF" into a search engine or through our online store www.iqualif.be, and select the product you want to order.
An online form will allow you to enter the information necessary for payment.
- Online payment can be done directly from our site, by Debit Card / Credit Card, by Bitcoin or, by Paypal.
- To make a payment by Bank Transfer, please contact our sales team using the contact form. They are responsible for providing billing information and your license.
Once the order is confirmed, you will receive an email containing your activation license within the hour.
The trial version of the software corresponds to the standard speed.
It is also possible to acquire the software with the following speeds:
- x 10, an extraction speed 10 times faster than the standard version
- x 20, an extraction speed 20 times faster than the standard version
To activate a license: Start IQUALIF. Click the "?" Menu on the top left and then "License" Check the "Activate a license", enter the license and click œOK.
For some directories, the asterisk * implicates a general search function, without specifying the city or the street.
For example, for IQUALIF Belgium White, a selection of the postal code 1000, and the city * Brussels and will extract all streets within this city.
Another example would be: the selection of the postal code 1000* will extract all streets and cities belonging to the postal code 1000.
This may seem like a software crash but it is actually because your IP is blacklisted by the directory.
In this case, the software is continually attempting to load a page. The download progress will remain the same until you are no longer blacklisted.
This is a classic indication of being blacklisted by the directory.
- Change IP address by using a VPN
- Change IP address by using a proxy
- Changing IP address by restarting your router.
- Change IP address by using a 3G USB Internet dongle for example
- Change IP address by using the built-in blacklist system in our software
- Do not try to download contacts for a few hours and the blacklisting will be lifted automatically.
Our advice: use a 3G dongle to connect to the Internet and use IQUALIF.
If the download still does not launch, please contact support using the contact form.
If the message "Invalid Server Response" appears either at program start-up, when you try to activate a trial version or a license, or when you try to refresh a list postcode, city, street or activity:
1 - You are using IQUALIF for the first time on your computer.
Solution: disable Windows firewall or integrated anti-virus and try again.
2 - The second possible cause is that your version of IQUALIF is too old and is no longer compatible with the server.
Solution 1: Reinstall the program. Uninstall IQUALIF then download the latest version to reinstall.
Solution 2: Update IQUALIF. If the message appears during activation, to move to the next window, click the "Cancel" button at the bottom right of the product activation window.
Update IQUALIF in the main window, click the "?" then "Update" and then click "Check for Updates". Click œOK when the update is complete.
3 - The third possible cause is that the server is encountering a temporary error. In this case, try again 15 minutes later. If the problem persists, please email us using the contact form and we will get back to you.
- Download the IQUALIF software from this site
- Double click on the IQUALIF software to install it and follow the installation steps
- Start IQUALIF from the shortcut on the desktop
For any questions, click here to contact us
- Download and install Java for OS X 2018 from this link: https://support.apple.com/kb/DL1572?viewlocale=en_US
- Then download IQUALIF.
- In the download folder, double click the .dmg file on the desktop, and then double-click the drive IQUALIF
- Drag the "IQUALIF" folder into your Applications folder.
- In the Applications folder, double IQUALIF click "Start IQUALIF.jar"
- Click the "System Preferences" icon at the bottom of the screen.
- Click on "Security and Privacy".
- Click padlock to make changes to your security settings and enter your password.
- Check the "Allow applications downloaded from:" "Anywhere"
- Then follow the installation procedure above.
- To force the launch with the correct parameters, open a terminal and copy paste: /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java -cp / Applications / IQUALIF France Yellow / Main l.jar (replace "IQUALIF France Yellow" by the software you want to run.) If IQUALIF still does not start, check that Java is installed on your machine:
- At the top right, click search and enter the word "Terminal"
- Click the "Terminal" application - Type "java" and press enter.
- If a message indicates that Java is not installed, go to the Java website and installer JRE and JDK
- If Java is installed, please contact us using the contact form on this site.
- Install Java 6 or higher (apt-get install openjdk-6-jre)
- Have a graphical interface like Gnome or KDE
- Use the "root" administrator session
- Download the IQUALIF software from this site
- Right click on the file.ZIP and click on "Extract here"
- Open the IQUALIF folder and double click on "Start IQUALIF.jar" or right click and click on "Open with OpenJDK"
- If the program does not start, please open a terminal and enter the following command: java -cp 'root/Téléchargements/IQUALIF France Yellow/l.jar' Main
(replace "IQUALIF France Yellow" by the software you want to start)
For any questions, click here to contact us
To uninstall the software:
- On Windows, run the uninstaller from the Start menu. Delete the temporary folder IQUALIF located in% APPDATA% if present. (To check, click Start, Run and enter% APPDATA% and confirm with the enter key)
- On a Mac, open the Applications folder and then open the IQUALIF and run the Uninstall file in the folder and delete the IQUALIF folder. Delete the temporary folder IQUALIF located in Users / Home / Application Data if present.
- On Linux, delete the folder IQUALIF located in Home / Application Data.
It depends on the country, the directory or the site visited, generally mobiles are present with a lower rate than fixed lines.
For individuals, in the White versions, this is not available.
For professionals, the Yellow versions record the contact's email address when it is present on the company's file in the professional directory. It then updates the email addresses not found from the websites of companies that have one.
The trial version allows you to use the software without limitation, with the same functionality as the commercial version. The only difference is that the trial is limited to 3 days. After this period, you will need to acquire a license to continue using it.
The update is automatic, the software extracts contacts in real time from the directories or sites visited.
The software displays the contacts that authorize direct marketing operations, this information comes from the directories
Specific cases:
England: To be in conformity with the legislation, you must pass the contacts, English individuals, by TPS.
Australia: To be in compliance with the legislation, you must pass the contacts, Australian individuals, by Donotcall.
Belgium: To be in compliance with the legislation, you must pass the contacts, Belgian individuals, by DNCM.
Canada: To be in compliance with the legislation, you must pass the contacts, Canadian individuals, by CRTC.
United States: To be in conformity with the legislation, you must pass the contacts, American individuals, by Donotcall.
France: To be in compliance with the legislation, you must pass the contacts, French individuals, by Bloctel.
India: To be in compliance with the legislation, you must pass the contacts, Indian individuals, by NCPR.
Singapore: To be in compliance with the legislation, you must pass the contacts, Singaporean individuals, by DNC.
These indications are for informational purposes only and may change over time or the country concerned, you must check with the organizations concerned before starting any commercial operation.
Yes :
We have concluded contracts with authorized banking partners to ensure the safety of your inter-bank transactions. The proposed solutions allow to pay online and exchanges are encrypted for complete serenity.
You can pay by:
- Debit Card / Credit Card
- Or Paypal
- Or Bitcoin
- Or Bank Transfer, please contact our sales team via the contact form. We will provide billing information and our BIC.
If you have any other questions, contact us and we will get back to you within 24 hours.